Bienvenue, Invité ! 0 pts

Commentaires - Dynamons (2)

Les joueurs ont souhaité laisser leur avis sur le jeu Dynamons. Voici leurs remarques, astuces et solutions.


Lilys29 08/03/2018 18:15

Salut les copain pour avoir les dynamon tros puissant il faut deja les blesser.


totomage 27/06/2017 21:33

Good game, but (level 10) Is there any difference between weak and strong? Look like they're all normal... When you do a strong attack, there's not a lot difference... Thay way you gain life when your "Dynamons" up a lvl is great but you must do something about the difference about the elementary. Yet, a good game with the spirit of "pokemon". Continue like that! I'll continue until then.
